Lions and Tigers and Bears--Oh my!

One of the most amazing things about living in Canon City is the wildlife.

On a daily basis you see rabbit, fox, deer, birds, turkey, lions, tigers, and bears.  Okay, maybe not the lions and tigers, but we have seen a bear or two.

When we first came house hunting to Colorado, we spent an afternoon driving around the Florence, Penrose, and Canon City area trying to get a feel for the different neighborhoods.  As we were driving through a shaded, tree lined, houses everywhere neighborhood, a huge buck walked out right in front of our car.

He wasn't concerned about us in any way.  He just looked at the car as if to say, "I have the right of way" and meandered across the street.  On the other side, he found a patch of grass and started to graze.

We must have sat watching him for a good 20 minutes while my husband cursed that he didn't have a camera or a gun.  (The darn hunter in him coming out again.)  We couldn't believe how the deer had no problems with walking through a crowded neighborhood filled with people and life.

Since moving here, we are still amazed on a daily basis to see the amazing wildlife all around us.  As we sit out on our back deck, we have seen packs of deer grazing in our lawn.  We have seen rabbits playing on our kids' toys.  We have seen birds making a nest in our tumbleweeds.  It's incredibly amazing.

So if you're moving to Canon City, or just coming to visit, be prepared for a deer around any corner and to be amazed at every site.

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